
Gaurav in a cafe

Gaurav Gupta

A lot of eslint rules and reusable components already exist for accessibility in HTML, Javascript and React. When working with developers with varying levels of theoretical and practical experience with accessibility implementations, we realised that the mistakes that our devs were making with respect to accessible implementations, were either not general enough to have an existing eslint rule and / or the mitigation was very specific to the usages in our codebase. We started with a simple thought: can we automate the detection and fixes for these repeated mistakes?

Read more about Semantic Components and Custom Lint Rules for Improving the A11y Mindset

mark headshot

Mark Steadman

Automated testing for accessibility issues with axe-core is one of the best and most effective ways to catch up to 50% of accessibility violations. In this talk, we will take a look at the levels of testing needed from an automated perspective to ensure your content is accessible at a component level and an application-level using a working React application and the axe-core testing frameworks.

Read more about Automated Accessibility Testing in JavaScript Frameworks

Adrian headshot

Adrián Bolonio

When we develop a new web application, we often put a lot of work on the design, on making it beautiful and usable. In other words, we want our web app to be effective, efficient, and satisfying for the user. But a lot of times we don’t think about the user experience for people with disabilities, including people with age-related impairments. Adrián will show us some testing tools, libraries, and techniques to increase the a11y test coverage of our code with a simple React application example.
Read more about Accessibility in the Modern Digital Agency

Sergei Headshot

Sergei Kriger

The time of plain web pages and dial-up internet is gone forever. We live in the world where our devices are able to simultaneously operate with tons of data. Tweets, notifications, alert messages, progress bars — all these components appear on the web page asynchronously, which makes the user experience more convenient than ever.
Read more about Time Control in Web Accessibility

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Join us for a live discussion of how accessibility is impacted by using a traditional CMS vs. a headless CMS and what are the pros/cons of each when it comes to creating accessible sites and applications. We have Rachel Cherry from WPCampus, Preston So from Gatsby, Carie Fisher from Deque Systems, and Mike Gifford from Open Concept participating with Caitlin Cashin from Deque Systems moderating.
Read more about Traditional CMS vs. Headless CMS A11y Throwdown!

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