Headshot of Jen in a car

Jen DeMesquita (nee Sanders) ((She/Her/Hers) or (Ze/Zir/Zirs))

An Introduction to Disability Studies

The a11y community is rich in technical knowledge, but what about knowledge of larger disability issues? Understanding the disabled experience is more than knowing about the WCAG! In this presentation, Jen (a masters student in disability studies) will give an introduction to the academic field of disability studies, its core concepts, some important figures and events in the field, and how this knowledge can impact how you approach your digital accessibility work.

Read more about An Introduction to Disability Studies

Gaurav in a cafe

Gaurav Gupta

A lot of eslint rules and reusable components already exist for accessibility in HTML, Javascript and React. When working with developers with varying levels of theoretical and practical experience with accessibility implementations, we realised that the mistakes that our devs were making with respect to accessible implementations, were either not general enough to have an existing eslint rule and / or the mitigation was very specific to the usages in our codebase. We started with a simple thought: can we automate the detection and fixes for these repeated mistakes?

Read more about Semantic Components and Custom Lint Rules for Improving the A11y Mindset

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A11yTalks Team

Have you ever wondered how the A11yTalks team, month after month, delivers accessible online events? Our team is excited to let you see behind-the-scenes on how we prepare, perform, and produce high quality and meaningful conversations around digital accessibility.

Read more about Behind the Stream - How A11yTalks Creates Accessible Virtual Events

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K-Leigh Marbury

Irene Dobbs

Overwhelmed by the task of making your project accessible? Come learn how two developers have seen firsthand how tangible and accessible accessibility can be.

Read more about Aria Winning, Son? How to Achieve Accessibility Wins on Your Next Project

Matthew Saunders

Matthew Saunders

Matthew knew from a young age that he was different. Though he didn’t know why. It wasn’t until he was an adult and really dug into his own daughter’s special needs, that he was able to begin a journey of self discovery. We’ll talk about his lived experience with Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Dyslexia.

Read more about The Human Side of Neurodivergence - A Technologist's Journey

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Jennifer Chadwick

Elana Chapman

How do you know if your website or app is accessible? If you're testing with users of assistive technology (AT) and people with disabilities, this gives you real-life experiences that lead to design improvements. But how do you quantify these results? This presentation will explore why a new measurement tool was needed to effectively capture assistive technology user experiences.

Read more about Benchmark your accessibility and usability testing with the Accessibility Usability Scale (AUS)

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