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According to the WebAIM Million project, the single strongest indicator that a page will have numerous accessibility errors is whether ARIA is present or not. Pages with ARIA actually have 65% more issues than those without. So what is going on? It seems by trying to be digitally inclusive and help individuals and groups to access and use information and communication technologies - what we've really done is make it harder. So what can we do about it? Who does digital inclusion effect anyway? And why is it important? Join us for a panel discussion on this complex topic!
Read more about Digital Inclusion - What? Who? Why?

Abby headshot

Abby Kingman

Like a lot of people, you have come to realize that accessibility is an important part of everyone’s job if you work on the web. Whether you’re in design, development, QA, or account management, you’re interested in being part of the solution, right? So now you’re ready to move it up a notch, and looking for ideas to help you get it done.
Read more about Accessibility Newbie to Ninja - 10 Steps

AmyJune HineLine

AmyJune Hineline
she / her

Inclusivity is at the heart of an effective content strategy. Accessible code may be imperative for inclusion, but all the code in the world doesn't do any good if the content is not meaningful to our readers. In this session, we'll go over what we can do as content authors to ensure our readers feel that we are speaking with them, not at them. We'll look beyond the semantic markup and structured content to see the strategic value of inclusive, well-written content.
Read more about Inclusive Content Strategy

Catharine headshot

Catharine McNally

Google Slides, Skype, and Microsoft recently rolled out with automatic captioning of video presentations. Catharine McNally happened upon the Closed Captioning icon just minutes before a company-wide meeting at Phase2 Technology. Raising her hand for her colleagues to 'turn on' the button, and what followed was a riveting display of speed and accuracy of dialogue across speakers in multiple rooms between Washington, DC, Portland, Oregon, and New York City.
Read more about Auto-Captioning in Presentations

Kara headshot

Kara Gaulrapp

Does your website create an inclusive or exclusive environment for users? Does your digital strategy incorporate web accessibility standards? Are you not sure? Let's have a conversation and find out! This presentation details how to start, develop, manage, and get buy-in for creating inclusive digital products.
Read more about Inclusive Digital Products

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